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We’ll live like a weed that perseveres through everything
rather than a flower that withers away quickly.
It's always my fault, isn't it?

Hello, I'm Jazel. I'm on most social media platforms as @JazelTWY. I have had this space since 2008, and I see it as a outlet for my thoughts, when short status updates or instagram captions won't cut it. It's a public private space, of sorts. Comments?


20 June 2019 to the you 5 years later in 2024.

are you finally happy?

▼ June 20, 2024 | Thursday, June 20, 2024 |


2020 - What a year. 

I read somewhere that said you are in a privileged position if you are wishing for Circuit Breaker to not end.

Honestly it was a very different phase for me (and for everybody too) but I really liked the idea of being forced to be home. I suppose I'm privileged in this aspect. 


Started the year off with a bang in London and Switzerland, and honestly I won't have it any other way. Being able to start the year off overseas... and to be stuck in Singapore because of a pandemic for the rest of the year... Am just thankful I took that trip.

11 Jan - Jay Chou's concert. First concert of the year - but who knew it would be the last too?

CNY begun with all the festivities.... but COVID-19 struck at the same time. Didn't travel out of home because we wanted to avoid crowds. 


2 Feb - Went for Shake Shack Family & Friends day @ Neil Road - cue the first of many, all thanks to Shihying.

3 Feb - CNY buffet @ Beach Road Kitchen, courtesy of Mastercard. Once again - who knew it's the last time I would had self-service buffet LOL.

5 Feb - beginning of office life @ Changi Business Park due to split site... This was one of the most memorable periods of my life in CIMB. 

21 Feb - Supposed to fly to Bangkok with Ping Kee but we postponed it to July. "By then COVID should be ok already la". Till now we still laughing @ our optimistic self. 


Still in CPB. Still chilling. 

18 March - Promoted. Was really, really, really happy. It was just the affirmation I needed.

20 March - last day at CBP. Was going to start WFH life for a couple of weeks (since it's rotational basis) but... turned out to be for the rest of the year.

21 March - sibei boliao went to SIM to collect grad cert but the office closed like what 


CB life. Baked a lot. I love. Friends sent lots of goodies. Love.


9 May - Supposed to have my graduation ceremony...................

Still WFH - cue many deliveries. 


OT a lot. Tried Soy milk and never looked back. 

28 Jun - went out for the first time during Phase 2 to hang out with Poly friends.


10 Jul - Voted for the first time. 

Flight to BKK (that we postponed from Feb) was cancelled :(


2 Aug - Shake Shack F&F at Orchard!!

8 Aug - dad got dengue... wasn't a good period. 

21 Aug - went to Poke Theory @ PLQ for the first time! Hahaha memorable cause of how many more times I ended up there

24 Aug - high tea like a finally


Nothing much, really.

24 Sep - Finally converted to Outlook @ work..............

27 Sep - Shake Shack F&F @ Suntec!!


Hung out a lot of turtle friends


2 Nov - birthday: received a lot of love thank you everybody. 

29 Nov - Shake Shack F&F @ Vivo!!! Also, the last... Thanks SY <3


Extremely memorable month. 

10 Dec - 2nd year in CIMB.

10 Dec - 终于等到你

15 Dec - Virtual grad ceremony lol

Essentially went out every day from 15 Dec. Crazy intensive but it was good fun to meet up with all my friends...

31 Dec - Counted down with the friends important to me. 

Think the year treated me reasonably well. I mean, considering that there was a raging pandemic... I'm thankful that my family and friends are safe. Lost some weight too, which I thought would never happen. Thankful that the friends I hold dear are still here, and thankful for you.

Can't believe the year is done, really. 

▼ January 02, 2021 | Saturday, January 2, 2021 |


 Happy birthday to me.

What a year 2020 has been.

With how... different? this year gotten, I actually let go, and dropped the ball on many things. Mostly connections, actually.

I honestly found myself not having the energy putting in the same amount of effort I used to in the past. Not sure how that worked out, but that’s how I felt - like I really just let go and let things happen the way it’s meant to happen without additional effort on my end.

I would say it’s a very liberating feeling. I didn’t feel the need to be in control, and I really let things run its course.

I also lowered my expectations in a lot of things and, actually I would say that worked out perfect. I let myself be surprised, and didn’t overthink things. 

Actually not sure if I lost anything large in particular this year (previous years I was always kicking myself over things that I felt went wrong). But I definitely felt like friendships that I wanted to keep were strengthened.

Idk. I just feel like things are falling into place. After all, all things happen for a reason right? Waiting for my next door to open, but maybe it does require me to push around a little bit, which I haven’t been doing...

One year older, one year wiser. 

▼ November 02, 2020 | Monday, November 2, 2020 |


Somehow I just feel like a ball of sadness but I don’t know how to get out of this rut.

▼ July 22, 2020 | Wednesday, July 22, 2020 |


I haven’t been here for so long, but for the space that kept me company for so many years, I need to be here on this very happy day.

First promotion of my working career - what a feeling.


▼ March 18, 2020 | Wednesday, March 18, 2020 |


it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

and it always hurts.

▼ June 21, 2019 | Friday, June 21, 2019 |


Some days I wonder if the end will come soon.

It's exhausting and suffocating.

▼ April 15, 2019 | Monday, April 15, 2019 |


2018 was quite something.

 Quit my job, got a new job. and you know, everything else was a blur.

My life generally revolves around work, school and family, so that’s all I have to talk about, and honestly life is to me is a “一天算一天” type of thing. That is generally how I live life though, without large goals. Don’t think that’s very bad but that’s not very good for sure. I’m just floating.

But I guess it’s 2018 that made me realize that;

It’s ok to push boundaries, and step outside your comfort zone.

It’s ok to seek new experiences, while you know your likes and dislikes.

It’s better to really take a chill pill, and to stop viewing things that doesn’t matter as important.

It’s better to not be so aggressive, you will just push people away.

It’s better to not have expectations because people will disappoint you.

It’s better (and easier) to rely on yourself, but don’t be afraid to reach out to.

Old friends will leave - even the ones you least expected to, but new friends will come.

Cut out people and things that make you unhappy, there’s no point.

It’s ok that you are alone and nobody reaches out to you - why don’t you think about days when you are not?

Social media isn’t everything - someone might be having fun this weekend, but staying in bed for the next 2.

Family is important. I try my best to reach out and surround myself with family, but I’m not trying hard enough, I’m not doing enough.

I won’t say I expect much for 2019 - there are milestones I know I will go/grow through (graduation etc). Just like how I lived my life in 2018 (well, kind of the past 22 years), what will come will come, and everything happens for a reason.

▼ December 31, 2018 | Monday, December 31, 2018 |


Been long.

▼ December 01, 2018 | Saturday, December 1, 2018 |


birthday birthday birthday I’m 22

▼ November 02, 2018 | Friday, November 2, 2018 |


Been having terrible thoughts recently.

Need to get out of this slump.

▼ May 17, 2018 | Thursday, May 17, 2018 |

Layout by ▲ ADITHI.